
  • Jonnalagada Sudheer Research Scholar (FT), Department of Social Work, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore-524324, & ICSSR Fellow, New Delhi Author
  • Dr.K.Suneetha Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore-524324 Author



Education, Literacy level, Parents involvement, Social behaviour, Social work intervention, Educational outcomes.


Education has advanced and pervaded all spheres of existence. It was crucial to a nation's improvement, even in terms of its economic standing. Parental involvement in their children's education makes this feasible which requires intervention of their literacy level. Social behaviour and peer pressure of low-literate parents and educational outcomes of students can be influenced by social intervention. This can pave way for a better future of the children. Moreover, illiterate parents confront a number of challenges when attempting to participate in their children's education. The findings of the study point to a variety of effective intervention strategies for boosting parental involvement, including parent and teacher training programmes, schools practicing community based model to involve parents, and decentralization of educational policies. 


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How to Cite

IMPACT OF PARENT’S LITERACY LEVEL ON THEIR CHILD’S EDUCATION – NEED FOR INTERVENTION. (2022). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 26(1), 901-920.