Health Promotion Model for the Elderly in Flood with a mudslide area in Thailand


  • Prapaporn Muangkaew Lecturer of College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Thailand Author
  • Somsak Thojampa Assistant Professor at Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University, Thailand Author



Health Promotion Model, Elderly, Flood area, Mudslide


 The health problems of the elderly that will be a contributing factor to the illness and the deterioration of the body  This research aimed to study a health promotion model for the elderly in flood area with a mudslide at Uttaradit Province, Thailand 


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How to Cite

Health Promotion Model for the Elderly in Flood with a mudslide area in Thailand. (2021). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(1), 318-326.