Communication Strategy in Reducing Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate in East Sumba Indonesia


  • Jenny Ratna Suminar Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Author
  • Purwanti Hadisiwi Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia. Author
  • Nindi Aristi Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia. Author
  • Preciosa Alnashava Janitra Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia Author
  • Moch. Armien Syifaa Sutarjo Department of Communication and Information, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia Author



MCH Revolution, East Sumba, Socialization, Communication Strategy.


 Maternal and child health (MCH) revolution in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara is a health program specifically focused on both maternal and child health which is initiated to decrease the level of infant and toddler mortality rates. The program does not only focus on reducing the Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate but also on the dissemination of healthy lifestyle for pregnant women, infants, toddlers and the people of East Sumba Regency in general. This research explores how the MCH Revolution program is implemented and how socialization is carried out to the community, especially where there are pregnant women and children under five years old. The data was collected by conducting interviews with the MCH Revolution program stakeholders such as pregnant women, families of pregnant women and toddlers as well as medical personnel in several health centers in East Sumba Regency. In addition, observations were also conducted in the community on several pregnant women and mothers with newborns regarding their daily lifestyle and the application of the MCH Revolution program. The results of the study state that the MCH revolution program has been carried out with various facilities provided, however, the program's socialization needs to be optimized with more appropriate communication media and better distribution of health personnel and continuous assistance. 


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How to Cite

Communication Strategy in Reducing Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate in East Sumba Indonesia. (2019). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(2), 373-380.