Current Trends of Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Senegal


  • Felix David Department of Education of Hiroshima University Author
  • Saitoh Kazuhiko Department of Education of Hiroshima University Author



Senegal, Physical Education, Primary and Secondary Schools, Curriculum, Policy, Qualitative and Quantitative Data, Likert Scale.


 In most African worldwide places, physical education (PE) sports are not directed as in step with the instructional software (Hardman et al., 2005). As consistent with a global study of physical schooling, Africa's utilization rate in 2000 turned into the maximum reduced in the world at 25%. Despite the reality that the utilization rate has surprisingly elevated, it notwithstanding the whole lot remains low as contrasted and extraordinary developing international locations (UNESCO, 2014). 


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How to Cite

Current Trends of Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Senegal. (2019). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 23(2), 415-418.