Challenges in Positioning and Penetration of a New Medicine in the Minds of The Physicians: An Opinion Survey of Medical Representatives


  • NIDHI DOBHAL Assistant Professor,Department of Pharmacy , Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun Uttarakhand India 248002 Author



New Medicine, Medical Representatives, Physician Awareness, Access, Marketing Strategies.


 This study examines the challenges faced by medical representatives in positioning and penetrating a new medicine in the minds of physicians. A survey of medical representatives was conducted to explore the key challenges, which include competition from established brands, limited time with physicians, lack of physician awareness, and limited access to physicians. These challenges can hinder the successful introduction of new medicines in the market. Therefore, it is essential for pharmaceutical companies to develop effective marketing strategies to overcome these obstacles. The findings of this study can inform the development of such strategies, which can lead to successful positioning and p 


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How to Cite

Challenges in Positioning and Penetration of a New Medicine in the Minds of The Physicians: An Opinion Survey of Medical Representatives. (2021). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(1), 703-714.