Philosophical Hermeneutics on Culture for Sustainable Develop


  • Ignatius Ifeanyichukwu Ogbodo Department of Philosophy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Author
  • George Ohabuenyi Abah Department of Philosophy, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Author



culture, philosophical hermeneutics, religion, sustainable development


 In recent times, the world has witnessed rising clashes among cultures or peoples of different cultural orientations. It has been observed that in most of the cases especially those that have developed into full scale wars, development have been seriously retarded. This paper examines the interface between philosophical hermeneutics culture and religion with a view to assessing whether philosophical hermeneutics on culture can lead to sustainable development. Philosophy promises to create a suitable characterisation of the relationship between culture and religion. This paper adopts hermeneutical, expository and textual analytical methods. This paper argues that philosophical interpretative approach to culture and religion can move the society in the direction of sustainable development. 


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How to Cite

Philosophical Hermeneutics on Culture for Sustainable Develop. (2021). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 114-120.