Architectural-archaeological study of the urban structure of the ancient palace in Qasr al-Bukhari in the state of Medea


  • Chabli Fahima Medea university, (Algeria) Author



Al-Bukhari Palace, the ancient palace, architecture, urbanfabric, palaces


 The city of Al-Bukhari Palace is taken into account a circle of historical, civil, religious and social weight, which contributed to the building of civilization and also the codification of history, as historians agreed that the Ottoman period represented a period of civilizational stability. The proof of this can be the founding of the traditional palace within the city of Al-Bukhari Palace, with all its architectural elements of spiritual, civil and military buildings, and these monuments are only a living witness to the nobility of that civilization. The ancient palace in its architectural structure consists of a mosque, residential quarters, a righteous guardian's corner, a main street or public square, collective warehouses for the storage of living resources, they are surrounded by an outer wall, crowned with watchtowers and most contain often one or two entrances. 


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How to Cite

Architectural-archaeological study of the urban structure of the ancient palace in Qasr al-Bukhari in the state of Medea. (2022). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 26(1), 334-349.