
  • Khusanov АlijonKarimovich Doctor of Biological Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology and Biochemistry Andijan State University, (Uzbekistan) Author
  • Ozodbek TojimatovichSobirov Senior Lecturer of the Department of Zoology and Biochemistry Andijan State University (PhD) Author



gall aphids, elm, coevolution, random distribution, aggregated distribution, Poisson's law


 The article examines the features of forage specialization and the co-evolution of
aphids in the “parasite-host” system. Aphids of the genera Eriosoma Leach. (3 species),
Tetraneura Hart. (2 species) and aphids Kaltenbachiella pallida (Halid.) Briefly use the leaves
of the elm (Ulmusdensa), for the development of founders and winged migrants. Elm-gall aphids,
as representatives of one guild, simultaneously use the fodder plant by subdividing ecological
niches.The random distribution of aphids on the fodder plant follows Poisson's law (


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How to Cite

COEVOLUTION AND RELATIONSHIP OF AHEES ON FODDER PLANTS (HOMOPTERA, APHIDINEA). (2024). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 1034-1041.