Coverage of Forced Migration in Nigeria: A Content Analysis of Three National newspapers

Coverage of Forced Migration in Nigerian Dailies


  • CHINWE OKPOKO Department of Mass Communication University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State Nigeria Author
  • MOSES OKORONKWO Department of Mass Communication University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State Nigeria Author
  • PAT UCHE OKPOKO Department of Archaeology & Tourism University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State Nigeria Author
  • Dr. Chinwe Catherine Okpoko Department of Mass Communication University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State Nigeria Author



Newspaper coverage, forced migration, conflicts, internally displaced persons (IDPs), content analysis


 Forced migration has become a subject of serious concern in global discourses including
Nigeria. An estimated over two million people have sought safe havens in Internally Displaced
Persons (IDPs) camps located in parts of Nigeria, following the increased social dislocation
engendered by Boko-Haram insurgency, Fulani herdsmen attacks, communal and ethnoreligious clashes, disputes over land, boundary conflicts between indigenous people and settlers,
natural disasters and environmental factors. Content analysis was used to examine reports on
forced migration in three Nigerian newspapers, namely, Daily Sun, The Guardian and The
Nation, using the agenda setting theory. Constructed week sample of articles published over an  11-month period in 2018 was utilized to arrive at the sample size. Results show that the volume
of coverage on forced migration issues is low, unillustrated and negatively slanted. Conflicts
constituted the main object of attention. It is recommended that Nigerian newspapers should set
proper agenda by giving prominence to issues of forced migration and also cover all sides to the
issue, including migrant voices and perspectives. What is new about this study is its effort to play
up migrant voices and engage in interpretative journalism, in contradistinction to the usual
reportage of negative happenstances. 


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How to Cite

Coverage of Forced Migration in Nigeria: A Content Analysis of Three National newspapers: Coverage of Forced Migration in Nigerian Dailies. (2024). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(2), 1204-1223.