Burns in adolescence : what repercussions on the psychic envelope ? Clinical vignette


  • AMEL HAMLAOUI university of Constantine, psychopathology laboratory: bodily violence and psychic trauma-VCTP Author
  • SIDER KAMILA university of Bouira Author




adolescence, Burns, psychic envelope, interview, projective technique


The skin, This organ which encloses the body, and which establishes a living border between self and other. It is as much invested by the adolescent as it is the visible and sensitive place of its difference. It has a double value of being both a limited and protective real skin, on the other hand, a form of envelope which guarantees internal psychic cohesion.

Thus, the confrontation with the fact that this skin is damaged is a difficult fact to accept, the slightest damage can lead to profound sequelae particularly if it is the case of an attack like burns.

Through a clinical illustration based on interview and projective tests, the author intends to show the impact of these burns on the psychic envelope. 


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How to Cite

Burns in adolescence : what repercussions on the psychic envelope ? Clinical vignette. (2022). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 26(1), 430-446. https://doi.org/10.61841/wv1mgq33