Negative development of human competencies as one of the obstacles to human resources management under E-management


  • Dr. Muhammad AlHafidh aichouche Professor Lecturer El Oued University, El Oued (Algeria) Author
  • Zaoui abdesselam PhD student El Oued University, El Oued (Algeria) Author



E-management, human competencies, passive development, organizational conflict


E-management has become the focus of Human Resources Management in light of the trend towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution, of which information and communication technology is one of the pillars, However, due to the lack of a clear policy, plans, goals and vision for the present and future of e-management and its relationship with human competencies, the phenomenon of negative development of human competencies arises ،Hence, this research came to highlight the proof of the occurrence of the phenomenon of negative development and its most important causes.

Using the descriptive inductive approach and reviewing the definition of e-management, efficiency and methods of its development, we concluded that negative development causes several problems for the institution and has several reasons, perhaps the most important of which is e-management and organizational conflict, but behavior (values) has a close relationship with negative development. 


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How to Cite

Negative development of human competencies as one of the obstacles to human resources management under E-management. (2022). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 26(1), 572-591.