Communication Disorders and Their Impact on the Family Experience


  • Fatiha Ben Mouffok University of Blida 2, (Algeria) Author



parenting, family pension, autism spectrum disorder, social communication disorders


In the context of our interventions with children with mental disabilities, we observed the impact and influence of the disability on the development of the children we monitored as well as on the household as a whole and found that the effect could be two-way.

Therefore, we decided, through our research paper, to present the case of a child, referred to us before the age of 3, who was suffering from a social communication disorder. After about two years of working with the child, and when noticeable changes in the child’s condition began to occur, we noticed concurrent changes occurring in the family dynamic : The father was more present during the classes, the mother is less anxious and more free in her time, as well as changes in the brothers. Accordingly, we will try to address and explain the group of transformations that occurred in this family, in conjunction with the very positive developments for her son. 


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How to Cite

Communication Disorders and Their Impact on the Family Experience. (2022). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 26(1), 657-664.