
  • Bridget Onajite URHIBO Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria Author



Knowledge management, Organizational performance, Nexus, Competitive advantage


 This paper examines the relationship between Knowledge management practices and

organizational performance. Knowledge management is about getting from those who have it

and giving to those who need it, to improve organizational effectiveness and performance.

Knowledge management allows organizations to capture, apply and generate value from their

employees’ creativity and expertise. With the advancement in information and technology

overtime, knowledge has become a vital resource for organizations to gain a competitive

advantage and improve their performance. Today, the major source of wealth and prosperity are

in the production and distribution of information and knowledge by organizations for employees

and businesses to thrive. However, it has been observed that the frequent upsurge in employers’

turnover in recent times in different organizations has led to loss of knowledge sources and

experiences of employees including outright retrenchment of permanent staff and being replaced

with contract staff, sudden dismissals, restructuring, temporary or contract employment, job

transfer and other alternative work arrangements. Beyond that, management actions have often

reflected in lack of system upgrade, lack of good work structure, complex restructuring,

information decay, banks’ ineptitude, lack of organizational commitment and poor security

information. This position has made good quality service to dwindle and customers’ switching

organizations was not in doubt. The combination of these observations has provided an inn road

for poor performance. At some point, organizations struggle with knowledge loss in their

operations. This makes it necessary for all members in the organization to generate and share

knowledge such that knowledge sharing becomes a personal issue that requires personal

commitment. This will not only increase profit but also improve quality, quantity, innovations,

efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness. 


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How to Cite

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY. (2021). International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 25(3), 16-29.