
  • LAU Ka Shing Lincoln University College (LUC),Hong Kong (Overseas Student),LAU Ka Shing, Student of PhD in Management, Lincoln University College (LUC) Author



learning organisation, organisational learning, human resource, change, hospitality, retail


 This paper aimed to review previous and recent researches of learning organisation, and

organisational learning in hospitality and retail industries, as well as the implications to

human resource management, in regard to their roles and strategies to changes, learning

environment, and organisational competitiveness. Supporting by the present state of

understanding on the topic, it tried to demonstrate on a theoretical basis and further studied

in-depth on the research trend of learning organisation related from human resource view.

This paper can be a foundation possibly for future development or extension of a new

research relating to the topic of learning organisation, and further exploration of relevant

new findings. It can potentially contribute to the area of organisational learning with the

particular industries.  


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